Forks & Footprints
Savouring Solo
4 x Must-Try Vegan Bakeries in Amsterdam
For those who may have missed my big announcement on Instagram, I recently discovered that lactose and I are not exactly compatible. As a foodie, this was a tough pill to swallow, especially since lactose is in so many of my favourite foods, like pastries. But luckily, in recent years, the rise of vegan products has offered a delicious solution—because vegan food is naturally lactose-free!
On a recent trip to Amsterdam with my mom, I decided it was the perfect opportunity to hunt down the best vegan bakeries and share them with you. Whether you're vegan, lactose intolerant like me, or simply someone who loves a good treat, these bakeries offer amazing options that I’m sure you’ll enjoy.
Best Dutch Cookie Webshops Reviewed: Humble and Crumble, Het Koekemannetje, and Overdoughsed
Whenever my birthday comes around the corner, I start to think about ways to spice up my special day. Being a foodie and a self-proclaimed grandma, my birthday traditions often revolve around discovering new foods. Considering I view myself as a true cookie connoisseur, I took on the hard challenge of reviewing some Dutch cookie webshops that I had never ordered from before. My goal? To find a new favourite that brings a unique twist to classic treats and will be perfect for your next cookie delivery.