Forks & Footprints

Savouring Solo

4 x Essential Places for International Students in Rome
Rome, International Student Juliette Karreman Rome, International Student Juliette Karreman

4 x Essential Places for International Students in Rome

Moving abroad to study can sometimes feel like a struggle, especially in the beginning. During my first year at Sapienza, I found go-to spots across Rome that became essential for study needs, self-care, and affordable finds. In this post, I’m sharing my top picks for international students in Rome—from bookshops to flea markets, these places will help you thrive in your new adventure abroad!

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Free Walking Tour of Rome
Rome Juliette Karreman Rome Juliette Karreman

Free Walking Tour of Rome

As an introverted, self-proclaimed grandma, the city centre of Rome can sometimes feel a little bit crowded. It’s hard to imagine yourself as the main character in a movie, quietly strolling through the streets, when you're simultaneously being drowned by hordes of tourists. If you want to experience the beauty of Rome while still enjoying moments of peace and quiet, I have the perfect solution for you!

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4 x Must-Try Vegan Bakeries in Amsterdam
Food Juliette Karreman Food Juliette Karreman

4 x Must-Try Vegan Bakeries in Amsterdam

For those who may have missed my big announcement on Instagram, I recently discovered that lactose and I are not exactly compatible. As a foodie, this was a tough pill to swallow, especially since lactose is in so many of my favourite foods, like pastries. But luckily, in recent years, the rise of vegan products has offered a delicious solution—because vegan food is naturally lactose-free!

On a recent trip to Amsterdam with my mom, I decided it was the perfect opportunity to hunt down the best vegan bakeries and share them with you. Whether you're vegan, lactose intolerant like me, or simply someone who loves a good treat, these bakeries offer amazing options that I’m sure you’ll enjoy.

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