Forks & Footprints
Savouring Solo
How to Get from Rome to Florence
If you asked me what my favourite main character moment was this year, I would say it was finishing an exam at 1:00 PM in Rome and catching a FlixBus to Florence at 3:00 PM. After my first FlixBus experience to Matera (which you can read about in my previous post), I was fully in my budget travel flow. I decided to spend a day in Florence, a city I had visited as a child but never as a solo traveller. The city’s history and beauty, combined with its proximity to Rome, made it the perfect budget travel destination for me.
From Rome to Matera for Less Than €20: My Budget Solo Trip with FlixBus
When it was nearly the end of my first semester at Sapienza University, deep in exam territory, I was on the lookout for affordable transportation options for when I finished all my exams. As an international student in Rome, I wanted to see as much of Italy as possible, and Matera had always been at the top of my travel bucket list. It was then, in the midst of my travel planning, that my roommate casually dropped the F-bomb: FlixBus.
Best Dutch Cookie Webshops Reviewed: Humble and Crumble, Het Koekemannetje, and Overdoughsed
Whenever my birthday comes around the corner, I start to think about ways to spice up my special day. Being a foodie and a self-proclaimed grandma, my birthday traditions often revolve around discovering new foods. Considering I view myself as a true cookie connoisseur, I took on the hard challenge of reviewing some Dutch cookie webshops that I had never ordered from before. My goal? To find a new favourite that brings a unique twist to classic treats and will be perfect for your next cookie delivery.