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How to Use Public Transport in Rome: A Beginner's Guide
Rome Juliette Karreman Rome Juliette Karreman

How to Use Public Transport in Rome: A Beginner's Guide

I noticed that I put off writing this article for a while because, while it’s a useful topic, public transport in Rome is sort of a hot topic. By "hot topic," I mean that almost everyone I know in Rome is always complaining about it (to put it lightly). And yes, while you’ll lose your sanity with the millionth sciopero (strike) a month, in general, the public transport system is actually, pretty good?

In this blog post, I will explain in a beginner-friendly way how to use Rome’s public transport system. This will cover the metro, buses, ticketing, and my best tips for navigating public transport. After reading this article, you’ll be well-equipped to travel around Rome with ease.

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Free Walking Tour of Rome
Rome Juliette Karreman Rome Juliette Karreman

Free Walking Tour of Rome

As an introverted, self-proclaimed grandma, the city centre of Rome can sometimes feel a little bit crowded. It’s hard to imagine yourself as the main character in a movie, quietly strolling through the streets, when you're simultaneously being drowned by hordes of tourists. If you want to experience the beauty of Rome while still enjoying moments of peace and quiet, I have the perfect solution for you!

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